Sunday, November 11, 2018


from letf to right  rex ursosladera, its me rey( cuddling our baby sister leni) danilo ursosladera


December 26, 1976

..The whole morningthat day  Iwas having fun with the neighborhood
   "   Kaya mo yan Rey...."  Do it..  thats the voice I heared from my friends    Raul Bande , chief mechanic of the car shop nearby had trusted me.
" You are our best player"  we can win this game  against the visitors who challenged us for a basketbaall game Suta and Crilo were good but We know we can win thisgame through you"Ruben Bande supported the voices 
And so I did my best to win the game because this is our homecourt it is degrading for us to loss the gameso.. I did.. we won   

     After the game.   a big explosion was heared in town.then some gunfires..     Later on   Dodong Ladera came rushing inside the house 

chief dodong ladera , husband of concesa ursos riding a motocycle followed by his subordinate in a white motor

        Nong Dodong is going back to town full packed with his guns shouted Ruben The game  was over...  so everybody went away .. my friends followed Dodong Ladera and I followed too
        When I came to  the down town  gunfires was heared .. so I ran toward the other side of the street for a cover

        What happened?  I asked Raul  "  wow Its like in the movies he hehe  but this is real... the actor here is your father.. Take cover   you can be hit by stray bullets   Your father is having a gunfight against the criminal inside the store . Sgt Canda supported him on his back Dodong Ladera was the Chief of Police  It was his call of duty to respond to protect the people against criminals

            In my horror I saw Dodong Ladera went out from the store holding his left  hand  he was wounded Raul hold me.. dont come out from here the battle is still going on

  In the picture Eddie Boy Ursos in light blueshirt at the back of his wife Lydia Tan beside Alexander Ursos wearing in yellow Polo Sport shirt

       Sgt Canda advised Dodong Ladera to go to the nearby clinic of Dra Manatad for first aid.  Eddie Boy Ursos the son of Amando Ursos came rushing to helphis brother in law Dodong , the husband of Concesa Ursos  at the clinic   Dra.Manatadrequested for a donor of blood for the operation  Eddie Boy Ursos offered his blood for Dodong Ladera the chief of police wounded in that battle .  Thats the Ursos nature of helping his family


People of San Francisco in December 26, 1976 had witnessed the action of Dodong Ladera the chief of police and the action of Eddie Boy Ursos, son of the former chief of police also and became a Mucipal counsilor or presently calledSanguniang bayan member of the town.

 After that incident .. One day  an Ursos came from Tagaluahan Basiao Boholthe son of Albino Ursos and a brother of Marciano he is called Loloy he came to Dodong Ladera.  Are you willing to become  policeman? asked Dodong  why not?  he said. Ok  report to my office tomorrow Police Investigator position is vacant.  So Loloy became a police investigator   however years after.. he was transferred to the Department of Justice in the Municipal Court.

         Many years after , supported by Marciano Ursos the ABC pRESIDENT OF THE TOWN Loloy accepted the chance to follow the footstep of Amando Ursos and he run for Sanguniang Bayan member  He has a political baluarte. Bayugan II a plotician who can control Bayugan II has the big chance to win the election.  because Bayugan II is one of the largest barangay with largest number of votes in SanFrancisco..  Taglikid is within Bayugan II . Ther Ursos people comprised the largest population of TaglikidWhen you walk down the street the chance is every  person you meet is an Ursos.  Every ten people you see  . nine of them are Ursos people
       Loloy had won the election through the Ursos votes of Taglikid and the sipporters of Amando Ursos from other barangays until  Loloy Ursos become a Vice Mayor of the the town of San Francisco. 


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